1 performance:
Work in progress. First tryTime:
February 11, 2021. Duration: 81 min.
Klub Storrady (Szczecin, Poland)
Performanse artist Pawel Korbus (Lublin, Poland)
The first performance took place as a part of the Gravedigger House residency. Famous Polish performer Pawel Korbus participated in it. The pose selected was ”kneeling with your forehead on the floor”. The performers spent exactly one hour in this position. This experience was discussed for another 21 minutes. Everything was documented on two video cameras.
Selected quotes:
“... Переживание общего опыта разрушает границы: в том числе и телесные ... последние десять минут перформанса больше всего хотелось, чтобы все закончилось для того, чтобы обнять Павла ...” – Игорь Шугалеев –
“Sharing an experience destroys all boundaries, including the physical ones... during the last ten minutes of the performance I wanted everything to end, above all, in order to hug Pawel…” – Igor Shugaleev –
“... „Łączymy się w bólu” - to powiedzenie pasuje tu aż za bardzo i niezwykle wyraźnie realizuje się w działaniu. W tym cierpieniu stwarza się znów pewna wspólnota. Nasza generacja nie ma takich doświadczeń. Nawet jeśli teraz nie jest to moja walka ani moje opresje, za chwilę może być tu tak samo. Zastanawiam się jak to działa i sprawdzam przez uczestniczenie. Pierwszego dnia rozmawialiśmy, byliśmy blisko, ból był wspólny i wspólnie z nim sobie radziliśmy. Rozmawialiśmy właśnie o tym. Drugim razem byłem osobno, jak kamień, ale z upływem czasu napięcie w środku narastało ...” – Pavel Korbus –
“...“I feel your pain” – the phrase is brutally spot-on here and explicitly manifests itself in action. This suffering gives rise to a sense of community. Our generation has experienced neither. Even if it’s not my fight or my plight at the moment, it may soon be. My participation is a way to understand the process. On the first day we were talking. We were close, we were sharing the pain and dealing with it together – that’s what we were talking about. The next time I separated myself. I was like a stone. But with time I felt the tension inside me gradually increase.” – Pavel Korbus –
The performance was shown at the residency which lasted from 5 to 15 February 2021.
The residence was supported by BCSF / Belarusian Culture Solidarity Foundation,
Cultural foundation Klub Storrady and Gravedigger House in Szczecin, Poland
The residence was supported by BCSF / Belarusian Culture Solidarity Foundation,
Cultural foundation Klub Storrady and Gravedigger House in Szczecin, Poland