12 performance:
December 4, 2021. Duration: 104 min.
International Divine Comedy Theatre Festival (Krakow, Poland)
The show was attended by 28 people (4 left, but two of them came back after a while). The performer posed with his forehead on the floor for 60 minutes. A countdown timer and video sequence were projected onto the wall. The introductory part was launched with a recording of the performer's voice in English - there were QR codes with translations into Russian for the audience if needed. At the end of the introductory part (in about 40 minutes of the countdown), one of the spectators (Aleksey) joined the performer and remained in showed position until the end. He had a White-Red-White flag tied to his back. In general, the performance passed in silence, there was a short applause moment at the 14th minute from the beginning.
The Juliusz Słowacki Teatr in Krakow
Organizers and partners:
The Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute