7 performance:
July 28, 2021. Duration: 92 min.
International contemporary dance festival New Baltic Dance (Vilnius, Lithuania)
Kristina Savickytė
Two projectors were used in the theater space. One of them was showing a QR code/link to the assistance account for the victims of repression in Belarus. The second projection was used in the lecture part as a screen for demonstrating information and videos and displaying a countdown timer later on. The lecture part lasted for 20 minutes with the participation of an interpreter from Russian to Lithuanian. Then the performer took a pose on his knees with his forehead on the floor, took for one hour. The premiere was attended by 38 spectators, 9 people left the room, 5 of them came back. 11 spectators joined the performative gesture, taking the same pose as the performer. But one of the spectators, Ilya Yasinsky, who suffered from violence in Belarus and received a spinal injury because of this, took a “stretching” pose. Those who joined stayed in the pose for 5 to 20 minutes. In the middle of the performance, an interpreter approached the performer and three female performers: she took their hands to give them moral support. This time, the projection screen showed the time countdown the way that the performer could observe the passage of time, which, according to him, was “the worst thing ever, when you constantly check how much time is left.” After the second part, there was a short (12 min.), but emotional discussion, the performer and an interpreter burst into tears. A special feature of this show was the presence of Ilya Yasinsky, the performer’s classmate. This show brought the first donations that were collected for the fund for the victims.
Илья Ясинский