8 performance:
July 29, 2021. Duration: 135 min.
International contemporary dance festival New Baltic Dance (Vilnius, Lithuania)
The performance lasted for two hours and 15 minutes. There was a lecture translated from Russian to Lithuanian that lasted for the first 27 minutes of the show. Next, the performer took a “stretching” pose for one hour. In less than 30 seconds, the first spectator joined in, taking the same pose, for the entire performance. 14 more people joined, 12 of them were young women. There were 38 spectators in total, four left and did not come back. There happened to be a special feature of this particular show (a journalist from Russia, who has been living in Vilnius for a long time): in order to shift attention from the physical challenge, she began to conduct spontaneous interviews with the performer and others who joined. After the performance, there was a discussion for 48 minutes, there were some interesting questions asked and a few viewers found the strategy that the performer chose quite controversial. Belarusian viewers expressed their experience and shared their opinion on the present-day situation in Belarus.
To a female journalist who wished to remain anonymous